Darshan Academy, Delhi
“Summers are tiring, exhausting and troublesome. Only till the aroma of mangoes surrounds you and makes your life awesome.” The students of class V at Darshan Academy, Delhi enjoyed different mango dishes in their EVS class. They learnt various interesting facts and nutritional benefits about 
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The students of grade XII at Darshan Academy, Delhi explained the chemistry of mask by showing its principle as a part of their class activity during the online chemistry class. They learnt the basic principles of mask-wearing and how it can protect from viruses and 
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Yoga not only keeps us fit and healthy, but it also helps to improve balance and strength in children. The students of Darshan Academy, Delhi pre-school learnt different breathing exercises and practiced yoga poses to celebrate International Yoga Day under the guidance of their mother 
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On June 21, 2021, Darshan Academy, Delhi organized an online drawing, painting and slogan writing competition for classes I to X. Topics for the different grades included my planet Earth, plant a sapling, yoga the way of life and save our Mother Earth. The students unleashed their 
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Darshan Academy Delhi conducted various best out of waste activities for students during their summer session. The students were able to use many things at home that would have gone to trash. They made things like photo frames from newspapers, wall hangings from old bangles, 
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Recreation is one way to learn about famous painter’s art techniques.   During the hobby class students of VI to VIII grade at Darshan Academy, Delhi recreated the paintings of famous artists like Spanish painter, Pablo Picasso, and Indian painter, Jamini Roy.  Some students tried 
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The preschool students at Darshan Academy, Delhi made beautiful thank you cards during their online classes to show their gratitude toward our nurses who are sacrificing their lives and working so hard day and night to save our families and friends.
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Learning becomes fun when creativity steps in. Students of class VI at Darshan Academy, Delhi made globes using machè paper in their social science online class. They learnt how longitudes and latitudes help determine the time and amount of heat received by Earth.
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Happy New Year 2021
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" You cannot change your future, but, you can change your habits, and surely your habits will change your future."