Three professional training workshops for teachers, trainers and heads focused on teaching the spiritual curriculum at different grade levels. They were organised online by Darshan Education Foundation to empower the teachers and enhance student learning. Darshan Academy staff from all over India participated in the 
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Darshan Education Foundation hosted a three-day National Workshop for Heads and Senior Coordinators of Darshan Academies on June 23, 24 and 25, 2022. The leadership workshop covered various topics, such as understanding the responsibilities of school leaders enshrined in the National Education Policy 2020 and 
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Darshan Education Foundation organised a two day online National Workshop for Pre-Primary Coordinators and Teachers on 17 and 18 August 2022. Participants from Darshan Academies all over India took part in the enriching workshop. There was a plethora of topics, ranging from using a multisensory approach to teaching, 
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A big thank you to all our Darshan Academy and Vidyalaya teachers. We honour your tireless work, and the loving guidance you give every day to all your students. You are making a huge difference in each student’s life, helping them to grow and blossom. 
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Ms. Mamta Sabharwal, Vice Principal, HOS has been felicitated with very significant Bhartiya Shiksha Ratan Award 2021 in admiration & recognition of being one of the greatest teachers of the country and her sincere dedication in the field of education by Global Education Talk Foundation in collaboration with Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India. 
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Saurabh Dhingra and Sukaran Gulati of Grade XII participated in 28th National Children Science Congress organised by Dept. of Sc. & Technology, Govt. of India and network of science and communications, Delhi.  They prepared and presented a project on E waste management titled “Treasures from E Trash” under the 
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We feel truly delighted to inform that Vaanya Mangal of Class V participated in World Largest Online Republic Day School Quiz organized by The Hindustan Times and achieved World Rank-3 (Junior Category), Second Runner Up in Class Act 2022.  She made it to the Top 
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Sainya Ranakshetram was first Indian army’s annual cyber hackathon organized by Indian army, Rashtriya Raksha University, Ministry of Telecommunication Engineering and ISAC India. Tushar Chopra representing Darshan Academy, Delhi participated in the Capture the Flag category and scored 2nd runner up position out of 51000 
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Ms. Mamta Sabharwal, Vice Principal, HOS has been honored with very prestigious Leadership Award in Education 2021 by Gulshan Kumar Film & Television Institute of India & T-Series Stage Works Academy for her hard work, innovative ideas and excellent approach towards motivating her team & 
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"Dream, Dream, Dream. Dream transforms into thoughts and thoughts result in action. "