Darshan Academy, Delhi

Blessing Ceremony for XII Grade Students

Grade XII students of Darshan Academy, Delhi, received the blessings of Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj through a message on May 5, 2022, during the Blessing Ceremony held at its premises for the CBSE Term-II examination that would commence on Saturday,  May 7, 2022.  The ceremony began with the school prayer and the presentation of a video by Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj on meditation benefits. Students then sat in meditation. Ms. Mamta Sabharwal, HOS, shared Sant Rajinder Singh’s spiritual message with students. She also made them comfortable and informed them of the importance of maintaining zeal and perseverance in the last days of preparation. The brief motivational talk by Mr. A David, the advisor, encouraged students to continue meditation which will further help in improving their concentration. He wished them the best saying that they would all come out with flying colours as in previous years.   Senior wing coordinator Ms. Bhavna Arora and junior wing coordinator Ms. Monika Sachdeva, along with all the other senior teachers, conveyed their wishes and suggested they prepare thoroughly and maintain the dignity of their school during the span of the examination. The students felt incredibly inspired by the words of wisdom.

" You cannot change your future, but, you can change your habits, and surely your habits will change your future."