Darshan Academy, Delhi

Principal's Message

Mamta Sabharwal- Head of the School
Ms. Mamta Sabharwal
Vice Principal (officiating Head)

“Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think’   

    – Albert Einstein  

“Be Good, Do Good, Be One”, Inspired by our school motto, we at Darshan Academy Delhi recognize the critical need for students to develop 21st century skills in an increasingly interconnected, diverse, global community. 

Our curriculum is designed to address comprehensive development and students are prepared for life in the real world. We follow a distinctive philosophy of quality holistic education wherein we help students to develop not only academically, physically, socially but emotionally, intellectually & spiritually too. Embracing meditation with spiritual curriculum, we are able to impart character education. children are provided time to find peace within themselves and an environment in which they can grow into true human beings who spread love and peace.

Ours is an encompassing vision. We welcome children from all walks of life irrespective of their caste, creed, religion etc. We believe that all children are beautiful gifts of God and have the right to gain education. We help develop the potential of each student, and ultimately benefit the community as a whole.  

Darshan Academy is not only a learning hub but a power house of positive energy that prepares students for life. Positive aura inspires each one of us to have positive approach, be passionate & develop self-realization. Darshanites learn to be tolerant and supportive. It is with this belief and faith that we endeavour to inculcate in our children values of empathy, responsibility, humility, truthfulness and the passion to believe in their dreams. These values will enrich them beyond success and achievement.  

Students are trained to think critically and make judgements through involvement in various school programs. They become confident & develop numerous skills like problem solving, decision making, self-awareness, creative thinking, empathy etc. by being engaged in project-based and experiential learning. We accentuate on adapting latest pedagogy for transacting an interdisciplinary approach wherein teachers act as facilitators, mentors and guide in order to upsurge the efficacy of teaching learning process.  

Students from various classes are involved in age-appropriate and theme-based projects/activities that enhances creativity and community service campaigns to ensure that all students are actively engaged and contribute for the social cause imbibing the values for community service. They learn to meet challenges in a peaceful, non-violent way, using conflict resolution & to work cooperatively in team building. Students are encouraged to see themselves as citizens of a global community whose prosperity and well-being depend on harmony and co-operation. They learn to make positive contribution to the society by undertaking various projects in community service. To live up to the mantra of serving the society, students of Darshan Academy came forward during this pandemic time also to serve the society- 

Together with teachers and the support of parents, ideologies are framed at Darshan Academy that brings a massive paradigm shift in the thought process and behaviours of our students. It is believed that parents are the essential partners in the all-round development of their wards. So, with the constant co-operation, acceptance and guidance of our academic staff and parents, we are able to transform the army of students year after year making them resolutely believe in our philosophy, “Peace begins with me” thereby creating the GENERATION OF PEACEMAKERS OF TOMORROW. 

The school is all set and determined to keep growing further for the betterment of society believing firmly in the fact that strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle.  


“The real aim of education is to develop the character and individuality of a pupil, one’s mind, will and soul power. The best education is that which teaches us that the end of knowledge is service”.  

 – Sant Kirpal Singh Ji Maharaj 


Mamta Sabharwal

Vice Principal (officiating Head)