Darshan Academy, Delhi


To enhance our knowledge about the relevance of trees, our school conducted tree plantation drive in the month of July- August. Eco-club students planted saplings in and around the school and pledged to plant more saplings in their locality. This helped to create a positive impact on students’ thinking and attitude towards the environment.

To make students aware of this issue and taking initiative towards it, Darshan Academy Delhi, celebrated ‘Mission Green’ from 29th July – 3rd August in its premises. The student took initiative to bring saplings of different plants. Students of primary and secondary section conducted the Morning Assemblies and exhibited their innovations through messages, activities and Posters. They shared the Importance of saving the Mother Earth. All the students from Pre primary, Primary and secondary took part in the tree plantation programme. Principal addressed the students in the assembly and appealed to them to Plant trees and nurture them to save the environment for the future generation. He said, “Today we have such greenery around us because we planted them and took care of them”. If it is not maintained and more trees are not planted in around our place our future generations will suffer. So let us do our bit and contribute to the society by planting plants and trees.

The students of Grade XII along with their teachers Ms Aradhna Bansal,  Eco Club In-Charge , Ms. Bhavna Arora, Sr Coordinator and Biology teacher , Ms. Monica Sachdeva also planted trees on the dividers of the road in the vicinity of the school campus. The students and the teachers together vouched that they will take care of the plants by watering and nurturing them regularly. This initiative of the school is a small step to help reduce pollution and make our surroundings clean and green.

" You cannot change your future, but, you can change your habits, and surely your habits will change your future."