Darshan Academy, Delhi
Learning becomes fun when creativity steps in. Students of class VI at Darshan Academy, Delhi made globes using machè paper in their social science online class. They learnt how longitudes and latitudes help determine the time and amount of heat received by Earth.
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During Project Week children of pre-primary at Darshan Academy, Delhi made colourful jewellery from waste material for their mothers. The children learned about a variety of jewellery worn by Sikkim people. 
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The students of IX grade at Darshan Academy, Delhi made beautiful, informative posters on Covid-19 awareness during HPE/SEWA project week. 
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On the 2nd day of the project week, nursery students at Darshan Academy, Delhi learnt to make tribal jewellery, hats and Sikkim state dresses with their parents. This activity helped them understand the rich heritage of Sikkim. 
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In the current pandemic situation Darshan Academy, Delhi is trying to make every effort to ensure that learning should not be disrupted. Our commitment is to protect the health of our community and keep our little ones engaged with productive work. Keeping this in mind 
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The students of grade IX at Darshan Academy, Delhi designed a wall of kindness at their homes to help others. They also made power point presentations in video form with beautiful and innovative explanations about Covid-19 as a part of their SEWA Project/AIL activity during 
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Day 2 of project week was very exciting at Darshan Academy, Delhi for the kids of grade III. They learnt to make traditional dolls of Delhi and Sikkim, enthusiastically making beautiful and unique types of dolls. Later they performed a puppet show using the dolls, giving 
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The students of class III at Darshan Academy, Delhi had an amazing time making beautiful scenery using a paper craft technique on Day 3 of Annual Project Week, 2020-21. The students were surprised to see the 3D effect. The students of class VI compared the states of 
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The love of a family is a great blessing. To express love and affection towards family members pre-school students at Darshan Academy, Delhi made beautiful photo frames by pasting photos of their loved ones during online classes with their teachers’ guidance. 
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Darshan Academy, Delhi launched an extensive tree plantation drive on the school campus on December 5, 2020.  Its objective was to felicitate growth, development and nourishment of all God’s creation and to sensitize everyone towards the need to preserve our environment and ecology. The school 
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"Dream, Dream, Dream. Dream transforms into thoughts and thoughts result in action. "