
Book Review Workshop

A book review workshop on Detox the Mind by Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj was conducted at Darshan Academy, Delhi, for all the teachers on July 17-18, 2023. During the session, teachers gave wonderful presentations on the topics assigned from all 18 chapters of the book. Members from the spiritual curriculum team of DEF were the event observers. After the formal welcome by the HOS, Ms. Mamta Sabharwal briefed about the book, saying that it is replete with numerous examples lighting up a pathway for humanity. Teachers made their presentations in pairs using active learning, cooperative learning, and inductive teaching-learning methods. Music, songs, self-composed poems, PPTs and several videos made the session appealing and enticing. It was a great learning experience for all the teachers who participated in it with great zeal.

" You cannot change your future, but, you can change your habits, and surely your habits will change your future."