Ms. Charnita, a psychologist from Sweden, conducted a stress relief workshop for senior students at Darshan Academy, Delhi, on April 26, 2024. The aim was to equip students with strategies to manage stress, mainly targeting the vagus nerve, the body’s longest nerve. The workshop covered 
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In a session facilitated by Mr. Gaurav Arora, PGT Psychology and School Counsellor, along with Ms. Anuja Rithalia, Special Educator, the topic of time management was explored. The session began with the impactful quote by Benjamin Franklin, “Never leave till tomorrow that which you can 
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To digitize something is to record it in a format that will last forever.   A digital awareness session took place at Darshan Academy, Delhi, on November 12, 2023, for teachers and grade 11 students. Organized by the Reserve Bank of India, the session covered 
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When you believe in yourself, then everything is possible. Darshan Academy, Delhi, imbibes this mantra and does not leave any stone unturned to empower students. Darshan Academy, Delhi, has organized a CBSE subject expert session for IP students of grade XII to give them guidance 
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“Scouting and Guiding is not only demonstrated in times of crisis but in everyday deeds.”  With this belief that Darshanites are willing to assume a greater share of responsibility towards themselves, their family, organisation, the community and assume the status of everyday leader Darshan Academy gave the 
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The pre-primary students at Darshan Academy, Delhi made beautiful and colourful standing lions and animals during the online classes. They spread the message of saving animals because we will all have to pay the cost if they are lost. 
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"Dream, Dream, Dream. Dream transforms into thoughts and thoughts result in action. "